Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Usage of the word "bomb"

Well, sorry its taken me so long to update. I've had a bomb of school work. Why am I calling it a "bomb"? Well, that is because I have gone almost this entire year with very little take home projects and the amount of homework I got these last few days. It was just "dropped" on me per say.
On the positive key, my lovely mother just bought me Pokemon Black for DS. I haven't had any time to try it out but I'm hoping this week sometime. I still haven't finished gold. And I bought a book called 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson. I'm only forty-eight pages in and I'm loving it. It relates a bit to a story I'm writing (though the storyline is completely different) so I'm getting research done.
So I started yet another story that I will probably not end up finishing knowing me but I love the characters just as much. Well, I was picking names and I wanted some very familiar ones. So I stuck 13 girl names in a hat and picked out 2, one for the main character and one for the other main characters sister. So the sister's name is Grace. Then I stuck 13 boy names in the hat and picked out Matt for the other main character. And I thought "Okay, they sound like they could go together". Then I realized yesterday that Grace is a friend of mine and her boyfriends name is Matt. I'm keeping the same but I found it pretty funny. So they did. Now there are a few incest jokes... My friend Grace also mentioned I should kill the character with the same name so the two main characters can get together. And I was like "It's Grace's fault they get together but not because she dies. Because she gets the stomach flu." She gave me a look that just said LLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMEEEEE.
Well I know this is short but I really do have to get back to work. I have a physics lab due tomorrow, a french test, history and even health questions.
TTYL, Amelia

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Discovery of Metal

Hey there hot stuff!

So today in my french class, one of my friends was talking about all the types of metal (music, not the element type). Apparently, I was very wrong about how many types of metal there actually are. Did you know there is such a thing as Pirate Metal? And Viking? I have to say, I love the names. I'm also starting to get worried about my french partner, who has been missing for two days. Where are you?! Oh yeah, Mexico...

I'm in a unusual good mood today. Why? Well, 1.) I had a great dream last night, 2.) I actual got some sleep last night, and 3.) My dream had something to do with my story, so now I have an idea for an additional part, which means I'm one step close to being finished. Now if I could just dream about motivation that I need to finish....

Schools giving a lot of work right now so it might be a while before I can post. I will make a valiant(can I even use this words here?) effort to make a post no matter how short it is. I really have to go finish reading my English homework. I hope to talk later this week,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So, I think I finally found a good purpose to this blog. Since I want to be a writer I think I'll blog about how my writing is going. I write everyday (in total at least 35 stories, 1 drafts finished) and I usually spend 2 weeks on research. Because the topics usually vary from British insults to Greek mythology to Canadian Chinatown to even at one point a driving route from Rhode Island to Alaska, sometimes I have difficulty finding the exact answer I'm looking for. That's where you come in. If you know the answer, leave a comment. I'll give you a virtual high-five!
So I though I should make a list of people so if I reference them, you can get an idea of who they are. And it tells you a bit more about me. First off, I live with my mom, dad, and 2 younger brothers and my 2 beagles, Kramer and Pappi, in a split level in New England, where it is very cold now. I have a few really great friends (I'm only mentioning a few now so don't get your panties in a knot if you weren't mentioned).
Sarah- She's my best friend with a creative pile driver for a mind. She's a much better artist than I ever will be and gives me some of the most useful suggestions for my writing. Don't know what I would do without her.
Jaime- Or as she likes to be known as, The Great White Shark. This girl hates bears, creating a holiday known as hallway bears awareness day. Jaime enjoys hobbies such as watching anime, stalking Christian Bale and learning multiple languages. If you're reading this Leonardo DiCaprio, call her.
Cam- One of the best guys I know. My fellow actor, co-writer, and a terrific baker (his cheesecake is amazing.) He is a great writer and I send him pieces when they needed to be edited. Interesting fact: he can recite all the words to the Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, A Very Potter Musical, and A Very Potter Sequel.

Well, now you know a bit more about me and maybe any future confusion is cleared. I know this was very short and I promise the next post will be longer. Have a nice day! Leave a comment!

Monday, February 28, 2011

"If I die young"

I'M BACK!!!!!
You were all waiting for me, weren't you? No, probably not. I'm hopeful though! So if anyone can think of a better title for the blog I'll change it! Please. I'll give you a virtual cookie! YUM! PIXELS! I'm using way too many exclamation points aren't I? I'll try and tone that down a bit. But seriously, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I want this blog to be successful and your input has a lot to do with that.
Today is a bit cold. This morning when I went outside (6 a.m.) it was freezing. When I went home it was a bit warmer, though it was raining. At least it’s not snow. I don’t think I could take anymore… I did wear my rocket dogs with rainbow shoelaces for the first time in months. I’ve been wearing my boots for a while. Most of winter. It’s nice to have a change of footwear. Now if I could only find my Uggs... How cold is it where you are?
So I just listened to ‘If I die Young’ by The Band Perry. I’m a big sap with songs. I cried like a little girl who just scraped her knee. I’ve always been… not paranoid but worried if I did die really young. Would anyone ever remember me? Would anyone care? Would I have accomplished anything I wanted to?
The first person I knew who died was my Aunt Rose. She died three months before my fourteenth birthday almost exactly. She was my Grandma Mary’s older sister. My dad never clarified what she died from exactly but I think it may have been Parkinson’s Disease. I think it really hurt my dad more than a lot of people. She was more than his Aunt. On the day of my Dad’s college graduation, his father was having heart surgery. My dad was one of the first people to graduate from college in his family so for anyone it should be a really happy day. His brother couldn't come because he was at the hospital in case something went wrong, and though his mother went, she was extremely worried about her husband. My Aunt Rose stayed for the entire thing, took pictures (that just got developed after she passed), and made sure he enjoyed his day.
My Aunt Rose never got married and never had any children. She lived with her brother, my Uncle Manny, and shared a house when she began getting sick. I can remember when she was well, before everything went wrong. My family used to go their house, and I used to play with the bingo markers. I still have some of the pictures I made with them. She used to make the best chocolate cake I have ever tasted in the world. Even when she was sick my Uncle Manny helped her make it. Every single person who went to her funeral mentioned it. Now my Uncle Manny makes it every holiday in memory of her. And I always have a piece. There was something about my Aunt Rose that everyone liked. My mother always said she was one of the nicest people she had ever met, one of the nicest people in my Dad’s entire family. I didn’t cry when I found out she had died, not at her funeral, not when we visit her grave but when I remember her.
I’ve been thinking about her often lately. And I’m not going to lie to you guys, I’m terrified if I die young.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught."

So this isn't my first blog but I deleted all my old entries to have a fresh start.
So let's start from the beginning with me telling you about me. That is usually what you do, right? (I said I've done other blogs. Never said I was experienced.) My first name is Amelia and I'm not going to give you my last name because it would be very easy for you creepers out there to find me. I live in the United States, the New England region so yes, while I'm not the best blogger, I am very familiar with snow. If we were friends, it would be a love/hate relationship.
While I don't play sports (except swimming and walking in my free time) I do have many interests. I enjoy watching anime, manga, cartoons, etc. Probably because I have the artistry skills of a dog. I love history, especially Great Britain's. I don't like American History as much as world history but I can tolerate it (I'm going to have to, aren't I?). Some subjects I love studying are the Victorian Era, Queen Elizabeth I's reign, World War II (all sides), and The American Civil War.
Something I do everyday is sitting down and reading a good book. I love reading and my dream job would be writing books. I also write everyday, no matter how much time I have. My favorite books are To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling (Someday, I would love to be as good as her. Harry Potter just amazes me), The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (I just finished the first one. It was terrific!), Paper Towns by John Green and so, so many more. If you ever have any recommendations, please leave a comment. I’m running out of books to read!
I love music like any person my age. I listen to a lot of varied bands and singers. Some of my favorites are Florence and the Machine, Panic! At the Disco, Paramore, Lady Gaga, The Script, The Killers and The Foo Fighters. And who can forget the Glee covers and Disney movie soundtracks. Though I do love music, I’m pretty sure I’m tone death. I’m also not too good at playing instruments either. I tried Cello and Clarinet and failed, badly. I was also forced to play the Recorder in 5th grade. Failed at that too.
There’s a lot I want to do in my life. I want to tour Europe and visit France, Germany, England, Ireland, Holland, Italy, Armenia, and anywhere else I can get to. I’m not sure what I want to do but I’m hoping it has something to do with history or english. I’m interested in Anthropologist, creative writer, and historian. I also want to take a road trip through America and collect arrow heads from different Native American tribes like my great grand father did and search for some family artifacts belonging to my great grandfather. I want to take my junior year in England and study literature or history there, may as well do some of my touring then. I really want to live there too, especially in London. I can speak French though my pronunciation is a little bad.
Well I think that’s a pretty good start, right? I’ll post something else pretty soon. Oh, here’s my twitter, http://twitter.com/#!/mealsychan.
Signing off,