Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Usage of the word "bomb"

Well, sorry its taken me so long to update. I've had a bomb of school work. Why am I calling it a "bomb"? Well, that is because I have gone almost this entire year with very little take home projects and the amount of homework I got these last few days. It was just "dropped" on me per say.
On the positive key, my lovely mother just bought me Pokemon Black for DS. I haven't had any time to try it out but I'm hoping this week sometime. I still haven't finished gold. And I bought a book called 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson. I'm only forty-eight pages in and I'm loving it. It relates a bit to a story I'm writing (though the storyline is completely different) so I'm getting research done.
So I started yet another story that I will probably not end up finishing knowing me but I love the characters just as much. Well, I was picking names and I wanted some very familiar ones. So I stuck 13 girl names in a hat and picked out 2, one for the main character and one for the other main characters sister. So the sister's name is Grace. Then I stuck 13 boy names in the hat and picked out Matt for the other main character. And I thought "Okay, they sound like they could go together". Then I realized yesterday that Grace is a friend of mine and her boyfriends name is Matt. I'm keeping the same but I found it pretty funny. So they did. Now there are a few incest jokes... My friend Grace also mentioned I should kill the character with the same name so the two main characters can get together. And I was like "It's Grace's fault they get together but not because she dies. Because she gets the stomach flu." She gave me a look that just said LLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMEEEEE.
Well I know this is short but I really do have to get back to work. I have a physics lab due tomorrow, a french test, history and even health questions.
TTYL, Amelia

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